Migration guide for v1 to v2

h3 v2 includes some behavior and API changes that you need to consider applying when migrating.

Currently v2 is in beta stage You can try with h3-nightly@2x
This is an undergoing migration guide and is not finished yet.

Web stanrdards

H3 v2 is rewritten based on Web standard primitives (URL, Headers, Request, and Response).

event.node context is only available when running in Node.js runtime and event.web is available via event.request.

On Node.js runtime, h3 uses a two way proxy to sync Node.js API with Web standard API making it a seamless experience on Node.

Old utils for plain handler and web handler are removed to embrace web standards.

Response handling

You should always explicitly return the response body.

If you were previously using methods below, you can replace them with return statements returning a text, JSON, stream, or web Response (h3 smartly detects and handles each):

  • send(event, value): Migrate to return <value>.
  • sendError(event, <error>): Migrate to throw createError(<error>).
  • sendStream(event, <stream>): Migrate to return <stream>.
  • sendWebResponse(event, <response>): Migrate to return <response>.

Other send utils that are renamed and need explicit return:

  • sendNoContent(event) / return null: Migrate to return noContent(event).
  • sendIterable(event, <value>): Migrate to return iterable(event, <value>).
  • sendRedirect(event, location, code): Migrate to return redirect(event, location, code).
  • sendProxy(event, target): Migrate to return proxy(event, target).
  • handleCors(event): Check return value (boolean) and early return if handled.
  • serveStatic(event, content): Make sure to add return before.

App interface and router

Router functionality is now integrated into the h3 app core. Instead of createApp() and createRouter() you can use createH3().

New methods:

  • app.use(handler): Adds a global middleware.
  • app.use(route, handler): Adds a routed middleware.
  • app.on(method, handler) / app.all(handler) / app.[METHOD](handler): Adds a route handler.

Handlers will run in this order:

  • All global middleware in the same order were registered
  • All routed middleware from least specific to most specific paths (auto-sorted)
  • Matched route handler

Any handler can return a response. If middleware don't return a response, next handlers will be tried and finally make a 404 if neither responses. Router handlers can return or not return any response, in this case, h3 will send a simple 200 with empty content.

h3 migrated to a brand new route-matching engine unjs/rou3. You might experience slight (but more intuitive) behavior changes for matching patterns.

Other changes from v1:

  • Handlers registered with app.use("/path", handler) only match /path (not /path/foo/bar). For matching all subpaths like before, it should be updated to app.use("/path/**", handler).
  • The event.path received in each handler will have a full path without omitting the prefixes. use withBase(base, handler) utility to make prefixed app. (example: withBase("/api", app.handler)).
  • app.use(() => handler, { lazy: true }) is no supported anymore. Instead you can use app.use(defineLazyEventHandler(() => handler), { lazy: true }).
  • app.use(["/path1", "/path2"], ...) and app.use("/path", [handler1, handler2]) are not supported anymore. Instead, use multiple app.use() calls.
  • Custom match function for app.use is not supported anymore (middleware can skip themselves).
  • app.resolve(path) => { route, handler } changed to app.resolve(method, path) => { method, route, handler }.
  • router.use(path, handler) is deprecated. Use router.all(path, handler) instead.
  • router.add(path, method: Method | Method[] signature is changed to router.add(method: Method, path) (important)

Body utils

Most of request body utilities can now be replaced with event.request utils which is based on standard Request interface.

readBody(event) utility will use JSON.parse or URLSearchParams for parsing requests with application/x-www-form-urlencoded content-type.

Behavior changes:

  • Body utils won't throw an error if the incoming request has no body (or is a GET method for example) but instead, return empty values.
  • Native request.json and readBody does not use unjs/destr anymore. You should always filter and sanitize data coming from user to avoid prototype-poisoning.

h3 migrated to leverage standard web Headers for all utils.

Header values are always a plain string now (no null or undefined or number or string[]).

For the Set-Cookie header, you can use headers.getSetCookie that always returns a string array.

Other deprecations

h3 v2 deprecated some legacy and aliased utilities.

App and router:

  • createApp / createRouter: Migrate to createH3().


  • eventHandler: Migrate to defineEventHandler (or remove it!).
  • lazyEventHandler: Migrate to defineLazyEventHandler.
  • toEventHandler / isEventHandler: (removed) Any function can be an event handler.
  • useBase: Migrate to withbase.


  • getHeader / getRequestHeader: Migrate to event.request.headers.get(name).
  • getHeaders / getRequestHeaders: Migrate to Object.fromEntries(event.request.headers.entries()).
  • getRequestPath: Migrate to event.path or event.url.
  • getMethod: Migrate to event.method.


  • getResponseHeader / getResponseHeaders: Migrate to event.response.headers.get(name)
  • setHeader / setResponseHeader / setHeaders / setResponseHeaders: Migrate to event.response.headers.set(name, value).
  • appendHeader / appendResponseHeader / appendResponseHeaders: Migrate to event.response.headers.append(name, value).
  • removeResponseHeader / clearResponseHeaders: Migrate to event.response.headers.delete(name)
  • appendHeaders: Migrate to appendResponseHeaders.
  • defaultContentType: Migrate to event.response.headers.set("content-type", type)
  • getResponseStatus / getResponseStatusText / setResponseStatus: Use event.response.status and event.response.statusText.


  • defineNodeListener: Migrate to defineNodeHandler.
  • fromNodeMiddleware: Migrate to fromNodeHandler.
  • toNodeListener: Migrate to toNodeHandler.
  • createEvent: (removed): Use Node.js adapter (toNodeHandler(app)).
  • fromNodeRequest: (removed): Use Node.js adapter (toNodeHandler(app)).
  • promisifyNodeListener (removed).
  • callNodeListener: (removed).


  • fromPlainHandler: (removed) Migrate to Web API.
  • toPlainHandler: (removed) Migrate to Web API.
  • fromPlainRequest (removed) Migrate to Web API or use mockEvent util for testing.
  • callWithPlainRequest (removed) Migrate to Web API.
  • fromWebRequest: (removed) Migrate to Web API.
  • callWithWebRequest: (removed).


  • readRawBody: Migrate to event.request.text() or event.request.arrayBuffer().
  • getBodyStream / getRequestWebStream: Migrate to event.request.body.
  • readFormData / readMultipartFormData / readFormDataBody: Migrate to event.request.formData().


  • isStream: Migrate to instanceof ReadableStream.
  • isWebResponse: Migrate to instanceof Response.
  • splitCookiesString: Use splitSetCookieString from cookie-es.
  • MIMES: (removed).


  • App: Migrate to H3.
  • AppOptions: Migrate to H3Config.
  • _RequestMiddleware: Migrate to RequestMiddleware.
  • _ResponseMiddleware: Migrate to ResponseMiddleware.
  • NodeListener: Migrate to NodeHandler.
  • TypedHeaders: Migrate to RequestHeaders and ResponseHeaders.
  • HTTPHeaderName: Migrate to RequestHeaderName and ResponseHeaderName.
  • H3Headers: Migrate to native Headers.
  • H3Response: Migrate to native Response.
  • MultiPartData: Migrate to native FormData.
  • RouteNode: Migrate to RouterEntry. CreateRouterOptions: Migrate to RouterOptions.

Removed type exports: WebEventContext, NodeEventContext, NodePromisifiedHandler, AppUse, Stack, InputLayer, InputStack, Layer, Matcher, PlainHandler, PlainRequest, PlainResponse, WebHandler.